Clip: Return of the Detective

Return of the Detective

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Detective Tony James had interviewed us girls individually, That's Me Trisha and My Sisters Lexie & Lily May and we thought he was satisfied we were not up to No Good and Running a House of Ill Repute, but he was coming back and wanted to see us as a group, so we were dressed to impress so to speak and the 3 of us were more than used to Group Scenarios. When he arrived He was looking his Usual Fit Handsome self so we made him more than welcome and soon had his clothes off and his truncheon out and at the ready so we wasted no time in putting our Skills to the test and we were soon satisfying his and our lustful desires. So after the 3 of us had been well Fucked and had received his hot thick cum all over our faces and in my Mouth, (Sorry I just had to be the greedy girl) he Reassured us that there would be no further investigations of our affairs and he would be taking a personal interest in us and would visit at least once a week to check on our well being and safety, which made us all feel a lot better. Trisha xxx
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