It’s the Christmas Holidays and We had just broken up from school, it was Christmas eve and When I got home my Mum and Dad were out so a good opportunity to strip off and play by the Christmas tree and when I was naked, I sat back in the chair and started to finger my wet juicy pussy, but I needed something more than my fingers and fortunately I had found a couple of my Mums vibrators in the bathroom so I thought I would give them a try so I picked up the first one and switched it on then slid it into my juicy cunt and pounded away relentlessly which felt so good, I changed position and fucked myself from behind before deciding to try the second vibrator, a big black rabbit, it was a bit big, but slid deep in my tight schoolgirl pussy with a bit of a push and I fucked myself deep and slow gradually building up speed getting faster and faster as I pounded away at my juicy cunt eventually bringing myself to an awesome climax leaving myself completely satisfied, after that I put the Vibrators back in the bathroom where I found them then Got my Pyjamas and put them on ready for bed then I got a plate of goodies for Santa gathered up my clothes and headed off to bed.
Merry Christmas
Trisha xxx
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