My best Friend at School Pandora had been Suspended for her activities behind the Bike sheds but I had invited the New Girl Lily May back to my Room for a Chat to see if she was the sort of Girl we would get on with, I nipped down the Tuck shop for Coke and Crisps but came back with Coke and Bananas, they said Crisps were too Fattening, we both seemed to be getting on quite well and were getting ourselves excited talking about what goes on behind the bike sheds and we had soon stripped off and were playing with each others tits and before long we were sucking hard on each others nipples, we got to wondering what we could do with the bananas and I think we both had the same idea so I soon had Lily Mays knickers off and started rubbing on her wet pussy we then slipped a condom on my banana and Lily proceeded to get to work on my pussy with it, next I slipped a condom on Lilys banana and slid it into her waiting cunt and she writhed and moaned with pleasure as I fucked her with the fruit until she reached orgasm, after all that we ate the bananas before heading up to the bike sheds for some real action.
Trisha xxx
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