Clip: Bikini shoot with extreme nipple chain

Bikini shoot with extreme nipple chain

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Welcome to the world of pain! Your Casey has tried for the first time a nipple chain … and that has really hurt. How did it happen? A fan sent me the chain „Extra Strong Clambs“ – so with extra strong braces. I tried it on one finger … and it already tweaked hugely. Still, I took them to try them out during the shoot. After 5 minutes bikinifotos it was so far. I pinched her to my nipples and it burned like fire! Extreme !!! My nipples were in flames and I want to stop after 10 minutes. It was bad! The blood disappeared from my nipples and they were slowly deaf. When touched, it was extremely twitching. I took them off! After a short break and some quarrel with the photographer, I have the chain then applied again and another 10 more minutes … I could make it a little better by rubbing my pussy … that was already horny! Your Casey
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