Clip: Natalie Shower Suds and Shaking Saggers

Natalie Shower Suds and Shaking Saggers

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Do you guys remember Suzie Sparks? If you don't, look her up on Google Images search for "susie sparks big boobs". She was a busty model back in the 80 and 90s. At the time her tits were considered a remarkable anomaly for being soooo huge. Natalie seems to be around the same size and she is just one of many of our buxom models in that size range. The size of the tits these days is amazing! However, I do think Suzie had sexier big tits. Those arealoa were fuckin amazing. And she once did a jump rope video where her tits clapped so loud!! Anyway, in this video, Natalie showers and does lots of wet tit shaking in your face.
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